Birding Mindo
Mindo is a town, a river and an area… actually the area is quite large and El Monte is located pretty much in the central part of this area, about 3 kilometers from the town of Mindo on the Rio Mindo and all three are located on the western slope of the Andes, we’re the wintering home of many temperate species. Also, at 1,300 meters above sea level we are at the mid-point elevation between the highland Quito area and the coast. Therefore we have birds that occasionally visit from the Coastal and the Sierra region. For these reasons (and others) over 400 species of birds have been seen just in the immediate area. Including areas that can be visited in day trips from the town of Mindo, there are an estimated 550 bird species. Birds that can be seen in the Mindo area include Cock-of-the-Rock, Chestnut-Mandibled Toucan, Toucan Barbet, Giant Antpitta, Scaled Fruiteater, Club-Winged Manakin and Torrent Duck, among others.
Mindo Bird Highlights...
- 2000 Mindo is named an “Important Area for Birds” by an international bird organization. This was due to the high diversity and threatened nature of many of the birds that are found here. It is the first area so-named in South America.
- Mindo is also home to the greatest number of endemic montane birds of any place in the world (Birds of Ecuador, Ridgley and Greenfield).
- 2000-2005 Christmas Bird Count (CBC) – sponsored by the Audubon Society. Mindo has been among the top 3 highest bird counts in the world for the last 6 years. This is with over 2,000 locations participating. Each location is a 25 kilometer radius, and the count lasts for 24 hours. Mindo had the highest count in 2000 with 350 bird species recorded, and in past years has exceeded the 400 bird species mark.Around El Monte there are many places that are excellent for birding or nature observation…
- House Birding. This may seem pretty tame but some excellent birds have been seen just from the main house. Birds, such as, Olivaceous Piculet, Red Headed Barbet, Tiny Hawk, Golden Headed Quetzal...
- Flat Loop Trail. This trail follows the Rio Mindo, just in front of the Cabanas and winds back to the Main House. Along the river it is possible to see White-Capped Dipper, Torrent Torranulet, Sunbittern and in the forest mixed Tanager flocks, flycatchers, woodcreepers, foliage gleaners and woodpeckers are always a possibility.
- Rio Mindo Dirt Road. The dirt road that is on the other side of the Rio Mindo from El Monte can also be excellent for various sorts of birds.
- Trail and Dirt Road along the Cordillera San Lorenzo. This path/road brings you from 1,300 meters up to about 1,600 meters. There is a possibility of various bird species not generally found at El Monte, such as Plate-Billed Mountain Toucan, Olivaceous Piha, Crested Quetzal… with luck Club-Winged Manakins are a possibility at a lek in this area.
- Trail and Dirt Road loop along the Cordillera San Lorenzo. This trail loops back to El Monte and offers an excellent opportunity to see many forest and secondary forest species.There are many areas inside of Mindo or just outside that are best accessed by car. Transport can be arranged to the following areas...
- “Y” of Mindo. This area is about 20 minutes from El Monte and is a great spot to locate various foraging birds that come to feed on moths at a streetlight. Toucan Barbets, Masked Trogan and the Rufous Bellied Nighthawk are among the many possibilities.
- Milpe. This area is about a 30 minute drive from El Monte, and is home to a Club-Winged Manakin lek. The altitude is about 1,000 meters so many Foothill and Coastal species are found here.
- Tandayapa/Santa Rosa. About a 40 minute drive, this affords an opportunity to view birds above 2,000 meters.
- Pedro Vicente Maldonado. About a 1 hour drive from El Monte and at 800 meters many lowland species are visible in this area.